Monday, October 24, 2011

HomeMade Laundry Detergent

I hate doing laundry. I hate buying overpriced detergent even more. I am the first to admit that the pretty packaging, colors, and lovely scents draw me in when I'm in the laundry aisle. But what am I really buying? Now on my "two-nickels" journey, I searched for a way to make my own. It was actually really fun! I had my doubts. Would it smell good? Would it clean well? Would it cost more to make than to buy? So, off I went, list in hand, for the following:

Two-Nickels Powdered Laundry Detergent Ingredients

1. Borax (box I bought was 4.99)
2. Arm and Hammer Washing Soda (2.99)
3. Baking Soda (1.29)
4. Laundry Soap (I used Fels-Naptha) (0.99)


1. Cut up laundry bar soap into chunks and then "powder" in the food processor.
2. Stir in one cup borax, one cup washing soda, and 1/2 cup baking soda.
3. Use one tablespoon per load, two tablespoons if heavily soiled.

Total Cost:

I made 3 Liters, which is 204 tablespoons. That equals out to around 5 cents per load. I can also use the left-over ingredients for other household uses. I put mine in an old tea-pitcher, so I can shake it out of the pitcher.

Ok, so it's obviously cheaper than the store bought kind, but how does it work?
My whites have actually been much whiter since I started using it. It doesn't really have a smell, per say, it just smells like clean laundry! I suppose you could add some scented powders to the mix if you prefer a smell. There are also liquid laundry detergent recipes you can find online if you prefer a liquid.

Happy Laundering!


  1. It's actually a little more than 5 cents per load but still a good deal. :-)

  2. WOW!!!! This is amazing! You are such a innovator! YOU WILL BE GREATER THAN MARTHA STUART!!! LIFE changing! I will forever be in debt to you for your amazing gift and vision for saving money! PLEASE keep UP the Good Work you are saving peoples lifes!!! I LOVVVEE U!

  3. please keep blogging this is so helpful and has safed me so much money!
