Sunday, October 23, 2011

Freeze Your Own Breakfast Bagels

 "They don't have two nickels to rub together". 

In the Cliche Dictionary, it is defined as:

                                        1. A statement that illustrates how broke someone is.
                                        2. Not having any money at all.

Fortunately, I do not fall into either category. The category I do fall into is someone who is tired of paying too much for things I can make on my own, whether it be food, or other household items. Someone who is tired of not knowing what goes into the food I eat. Someone who is tired of seeing waste from extra packaging from store-bought items. I am starting this blog to document my slow but sure transition into living a more simple, home-made life, while hopefully saving money, becoming more self-sufficient, and learning new things in the process.

First Project: Breakfast Bagels!


I admit it. I have a profound love of breakfast bagels from the double arches. I don't get them that often, but when I do, I know they are too big and overpriced. I know, they are "bad" for you, but who can turn down that cheese, crisp bacon, and egg? So, in hopes of being healthier and actually knowing what goes in to my breakfast, I decided to make my own. Thankfully, I found a way to make them myself, the "two-nickels" way.

Freezable Breakfast Bagel Recipe:
12 Eggs
Cheese Singles

Crack each egg into a coffee mug, microwave for 30 seconds, repeat with 11 other eggs. Cook bacon until crispy. Assemble bagel with egg on bottom, then half of a cheese single, then half a slice of cooked bacon. Wrap each bagel in plastic wrap and place into a freezer bag, label, and voila! Cheaper, healthier, and more fun than the double arches:) When your ready to eat, place in microwave for 1.5 minutes, time may vary according to your wattage. 


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